off beaten track / ˈbit n /


off beaten track 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. formed or shaped by blows; hammered: a dish of beaten brass.
  2. much trodden; commonly used: a beaten path.
  3. defeated; vanquished; thwarted.
  4. overcome by exhaustion; fatigued by hard work, intense activity, etc.
  5. whipped up, pounded, pulverized, or the like: adding three beaten eggs.

off beaten track 近义词

off beaten track

等同于 isolated

off beaten track

等同于 lonely

off beaten track

等同于 out of the way

off beaten track

等同于 quaint

off beaten track

等同于 secluded

off beaten track

等同于 unconventional

off beaten track

等同于 off the beaten path

off beaten track

等同于 out of the ordinary

off beaten track

等同于 screened

更多off beaten track例句

  1. The 26 were beaten by the bailiffs as they filed into a caged dock, sobbing, on Dec. 21.
  2. Last week, property owners were beaten by security guards as they confronted a real-estate developer who defrauded them.
  3. Without any evidence or provocation, she attacks Swamp Thing—and then gets beaten in the only fight she has in the issue.
  4. For these infractions of the Holiday spirit, they were arrested and in some cases beaten in the street by Copenhagen police.
  5. She said that everyone she has talked to who was detained was beaten.
  6. Last night I saw Jean Baptiste lying prone upon the floor, and knew that she had beaten him down to it, and he had not resisted.
  7. Four years ago Hetton's horse had been first favourite, but it was ignominiously beaten.
  8. He frowned, and bent his head, and his long hair fell over his face, while the poor Stuttgardter sat there like a beaten hound.
  9. An old weather-beaten bear-hunter stepped forward, squirting out his tobacco juice with all imaginable deliberation.
  10. A border feud at Reedsquair, between the English and Scottish marchmen, in which the former were completely beaten.